Want to be better at organizing in Lightroom ?
As a beginner Lightroom can be very intimidating, not just learning all the sliders and check boxes to edit but also how to organize. your workflow, keep track of different versions of each photo, what have been exported and what have not. I struggled for a long time and my brain needs to be in control or it hurts !
So I tried many thing but now I have started to land in something I can be in control of, everyone will have different needs depending on their brain =), level as photographer and so on but it helped me a lot to watch Youtube videos on how others had their workflow setup. I took bits and pieces from different people and started to lay my own puzzle. I below video I show how I import, sort, keep track of photos and export in Lightroom. I do edit in Photoshop but I let Lightroom do all the organization of my photos and it does it very well.
If you are looking for editing tips in Lightroom i higly recommend Nigel Danson, a British photographer with excellent videos on landscape photography and editing.
You find him here.
A socond one is the Danish photographer Mads Peter Iversen, also an amazing photographer with many tutorials on Lightroom and Photoshop editing.
You find him here.
How i keep organized in Lightroom. Import, sort, keep track of photos and export.